
数据库内核月报 - 2025 / 01

What's new in PolarDB8.4(二)完备的集合操作

Author: 陈江(恬泰),淇泉


PolarDB8.4已经在内测阶段了,前文介绍了What’s new in PolarDB8.4(一) prepare once ,本文继续介绍一下PolarDB8.4另一新特性-完备的集合操作,包含union, intersect, except, unary。相比较之下PolarDB8.0.2仅支持union,unary,并且8.4已经能支持集合的任意嵌套操作,大大丰富了实际使用场景。本篇文章将介绍PolarDB8.4集合运算新特性,以及具体是如何实现的。 PolarDB8.4对标的是社区mysql8.4,展示的代码是8.4.2版本代码。先让我们看看8.4里面新增的集合算子


mysql> select * from t1;
| a    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    2 |
mysql> select * from t3;
| a    |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    3 |
|    2 |

intersect all(集合交集语义)

mysql> select * from t1 intersect all select * from t3;
| a    |
|    2 |
|    2 |

intersect distinct

mysql> select * from t1 intersect distinct select * from t3;
| a    |
|    2 |

except all(集合差集语义)

mysql> select * from t3 except all select * from t1
    -> ;
| a    |
|    3 |
|    3 |

except distinct

mysql> select * from t3 except distinct select * from t1;
| a    |
|    3 |


只能追加orderby, limit算子

mysql> (select distinct * from t3 )order by a desc;
| a    |
|    3 |
|    2 |

集合并集语义:union all/union distinct


mysql>  select * from t1 union all select * from t3;
| a    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    2 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    3 |
|    2 |


为了支持任意嵌套的集合操作,查询树在之前的Query_expression, Query_block上引入Query_term的数据结构。

class Query_expression {
    The query block wherein this query expression is contained,
    NULL if the query block is the outer-most one.
  Query_block *master;//父QB
  /// The first query block in this query expression.
  Query_block *slave;//孩子QB

  // The query set operation structure, see doc for Query_term.
  Query_term *m_query_term{nullptr}//用于描述集合运算,如果是Query_block类型代表最简单的QE,非set_op

无论Query_expression是简单还是集合运算,都有一个有效的m_query_term成员,如果是集合操作,则是Query_term_set_op的派生类。如果Query_expression是简单的(非集合运算),m_query_term指向唯一child query_block。




class Query_term {
    The query result for this term. Shared between n-ary set operands, the first
    one holds it, cf. owning_operand. Except at top level, this is always a
  Query_result *m_setop_query_result{nullptr};
    The operand of a n-ary set operation (that owns the common query result) has
    this set to true. It is always the first one.
  bool m_owning_operand{false};
     Result temporary table for the set operation, if applicable
  Table_ref *m_result_table{nullptr};
    Used only when streaming, i.e. not materialized result set
  mem_root_deque<Item *> *m_fields{nullptr};

m_setop_query_result及m_result_table都是多个QueryBlock共用操作的结果集,但临时表只需一个QB负责创建+销毁,所以搞了m_owning_operand flag,由第一个QB负责。


class Query_term_set_op : public Query_term {
Query_block *m_block{nullptr};//类似早先版本fake_select_lex,这个block上只有set结果表+orderby+limit
mem_root_deque<Query_term *> m_children;//union,itersect等的child QB或嵌套的set_op
bool m_is_materialized{true};//一般是true,除了顶层union all+no order,streaming输出,算一个特殊优化


/// Example:select * from t1 order by a limit 10;
/// Tree:
///      Query_expression---- slave----+  //slave,m_query_term指向同一个也是唯一child Queryblock
///               | m_query_term       |
///               V                    |
///        Query_block <---------------+ holds inner SELECT and its ORDER BY/LIMIT
/// Example: (SELECT * FROM .. ORDER BY .. LIMIT n) ORDER BY .. LIMIT m


/// Tree:
///      Query_expression
///               | m_query_term
///      Query_term_unary
///      +--------------------+
///      |      m_block ------+---->      Query_block which holds outer
///      |        :           |           ORDER BY and LIMIT
///      |      m_children[0] |
///      +--------|-----------+
///               V
///        Query_block   holds inner SELECT and its ORDER BY/LIMIT


    (/* select#1 */
     SELECT `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`
     FROM `test`.`t1`
     UNION /* select#2 */
     SELECT `test`.`t2`.`a` AS `a`
     FROM `test`.`t2`
     UNION ALL /* select#3 */
     SELECT `test`.`t3`.`a` AS `a`
     FROM `test`.`t3`
     ORDER BY `a`
     LIMIT 5
        (/* select#4 */
         SELECT `test`.`t3`.`a` AS `a`
         FROM `test`.`t3`
         ORDER BY `test`.`t3`.`a`
         LIMIT 4
        EXCEPT /* select#5 */
        SELECT `test`.`t4`.`a` AS `a`
        FROM `test`.`t4`
    ORDER BY `a`
    LIMIT 4
ORDER BY -(`a`)

              m_query_term   +------------------+     slave(s)
              +--------------|-Query_expression |------------------+
              |              +------------------+                  |
              V        post_                                       |
  +-------------------+processing_ +----------------------+        |
  | Query_term_unary  |block()     |Query_block           |        |
  |                   |----------->|order by -(`a) limit 3|        |
  +-------------------+            +----------------------+        |
   |m_children                                                     |
   | +-----------------------+   +----------------------+          |
   | |Query_term_intersect   |   |Query_block           |          |
   +>|last distinct index: 1 |-->|order by `a` limit 4  |          |
     +-----------------------+   +----------------------+          |
      |m_children                                                  |
      |  +-----------------------+   +----------------------+      |
      |  |Query_term_union       |   |Query_block           |      |
      +->|last distinct index: 1 |-->|order by `a`  limit 5 |      |
      |  +-----------------------+   +----------------------+      |
      |    |m_children                                             |
      |    |   +------------+        SELECT * FROM t1             /
      |    +-->|Query_block |  <---------------------------------+
      |    |   +------------+  ----------------------------------+ next
      |    |                                                      \
      |    |   +------------+        SELECT * FROM t2             /
      |    +-->|Query_block |  <---------------------------------+
      |    |   +------------+  ----------------------------------+ next
      |    |                                                      \
      |    |   +------------+        SELECT * FROM t3             /
      |    +-->|Query_block |  <---------------------------------+
      |        +------------+  ----------------------------------+ next
      |                                                           \
      |  +-----------------------+  +------------+                 |
      |  |Query_term_except      |->|Query_block |                 |
      +->|last distinct index: 1 |  +------------+                 |
         +-----------------------+                                 |
           |m_children                                             |
           |   +----------------------+                            |
           |   |Query_block           |      SELECT * FROM t3      /
           +-->|order by `a`  limit 4 |  <------------------------+
           |   +----------------------+  -------------------------+ next
           |                                                       \
           |   +------------+                SELECT * FROM t4      |
           +-->|Query_block | <------------------------------------+



 /* QB1 */ select * from t1 intersect distinct
 /* QB2 */ select * from t2

我们先把QB1查询结果集写到一个临时表里面, 然后查询t2,每获取一行,去临时表里面查找一下,找到的话标记一下,标记全部完成后,最后把临时表里面有标记的行全部扫描出来。这是不是跟物化表(derived table)执行很像? 但我们的LEX只有QB1,QB2,不足以完成物化+scan临时表的操作,这就要借助于Query_term_set_op里面的m_block了,m_block类型是Query_block,完全是为了我们用来辅助集合运算的。它会创建出一张临时表,底层QB1,QB2把结果集往这里面写,m_block负责scan这张表,当然只取有标记的行。

所以对于这个二元集合运算,事实上有3个QB,都要分别进行prepare, optimize,execution。 m_block与QB1,QB2通过物化进行桥接,执行时


会进行子节点合并和order by limit下推,将二元操作符变成多元操作符

(select * /*+q1*/ from t1 UNION select * /*+q2*/ from t1) UNION ALL ( select * /*+q3*/ from t1 UNION ALL select * /*+q4*/ from t1);



这块代码在PT_set_operation::merge_descendants, 合并的好处可以减少临时表/物化表使用,但基本不会修改这块代码,可以快速跳过。


prepare整体流程都是自底向上执行过程,先做child query_block的prepare,然后调用prepare_query_term函数 prepare m_query_term->m_block,这决定了prepare_query_term 也会是自底向上执行。


optimize跟正常的query block没啥区别,但别忘了Query_term_set_op的m_block也需要optimize,然后生成TableScan accesspath。 然后Query_expression::create_access_paths会将这个set_op树变成accesspath树. make_set_op_access_path 是自底向上调用的。

children的accesspath构成materialize path的subquery path, Query_term_set_op::m_block优化结果TableScan path就是materialize path的 table path.

为每个set_op都会创建一个materialize path。代码请参考 make_set_op_access_path



struct QueryBlock {
  /// The number of operands (i.e. blocks) involved in the set operation:
  /// used for INTERSECT to determine if a value is present in all operands
  ulonglong m_total_operands{0};
  /// The current operand (i.e. block) number, starting at zero. We use this
  /// for INTERSECT and EXCEPT materialization operand.
  ulonglong m_operand_idx{0};
  /// Used for EXCEPT computation: the index of the first operand involved in
  /// a N-ary except operation which has DISTINCT. This is significant for
  /// calculating whether to set the counter to zero or just decrement it
  /// when we see a right side operand.
  uint m_first_distinct{0};
struct TABLE {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // The next few members are used if this (temporary) file is used solely for
  // the materialization/computation of an INTERSECT or EXCEPT set operation
  // (in addition to hash_field above used to detect duplicate rows).  For
  // INTERSECT and EXCEPT, we always use the hash field and compute the shape
  // of the result set using m_set_counter. The latter is a hidden field
  // located between the hash field and the row proper, only present for
  // INTERSECT or EXCEPT materialized in a temporary result table.  The
  // materialized table has no duplicate rows, relying instead of the embedded
  // counter to produce the correct number of duplicates with ALL semantics. If
  // we have distinct semantics, we squash duplicates. This all happens in the
  // reading step of the tmp table (TableScanIterator::Read),
  // cf. m_last_operation_is_distinct. For explanation if the logic of the set
  // counter, see MaterializeIterator<Profiler>::MaterializeQueryBlock.
  /// A priori unlimited. We pass this on to TableScanIterator at construction
  /// time, q.v., to limit the number of rows out of an EXCEPT or INTERSECT.
  /// For these set operations, we do not know enough to enforce the limit at
  /// materialize time (as for UNION): only when reading the rows with
  /// TableScanIterator do we check the counters.
  /// @todo: Ideally, this limit should be communicated to TableScanIterator in
  /// some other way.
  ha_rows m_limit_rows{HA_POS_ERROR};
  /// The set counter. It points to the field in the materialized table
  /// holding the counter used to compute INTERSECT and EXCEPT, in record[0].
  /// For EXCEPT [DISTINCT | ALL] and INTERSECT DISTINCT this is a simple 64
  /// bits counter. For INTERSECT ALL, it is subdivided into two sub counters
  /// cf. class HalfCounter, cf. MaterializeQueryBlock. See set_counter().
  Field_longlong *m_set_counter{nullptr};
  /// True if we have EXCEPT, else we have INTERSECT. See is_except() and
  /// is_intersect().
  bool m_except{false};
  /// If m_set_counter is set: true if last block has DISTINCT semantics,
  /// either because it is marked as such, or because we have computed this
  /// to give an equivalent answer. If false, we have ALL semantics.
  /// It will be true if any DISTINCT is given in the merged N-ary set
  /// operation. See is_distinct().
  bool m_last_operation_is_distinct{false};
class Temp_table_param {
  /// For INTERSECT and EXCEPT computation
  enum {
  } m_operation{TTP_UNION_OR_TABLE};
  /// The tempoary table rows need a counter to keep track of its
  /// duplicates: needed for EXCEPT and INTERSECT computation.
  bool needs_set_counter() { return m_operation != TTP_UNION_OR_TABLE; }
  /// For INTERSECT and EXCEPT computation.
  /// Cf. TABLE::m_last_operation_is_distinct.
  bool m_last_operation_is_distinct{false};


UNION有两类,UNION DISTINCT和UNION ALL;对UNION ALL的实现比较简单,只需要将各个查询块的数据依次写入临时表或者对外输出.

对UNION DISTINCT的实现类似,但是在写入临时表之前会多一个去重的操作。而对于UNION DISTINCT混合UNION ALL的情况,目前的实现方案是在query_block.disable_deduplication_by_hash_field上记录当前查询块是否需要去重.

比如q1 UNION DISTINCT q2 UNION ALL q3,在处理q1以及q2时是需要去重的,因此在物化这两个查询块的数据时每一行数据都会调用check_unique_constraint函数来检查重复,而在处理q3查询块时不需要该操作。




第一个查询块 如果当前行是第一次出现,那么就在记1 后续每出现一次就在加1 后续查询块 如果当前行在临时表中没有出现或者值小于等于0,那么跳过 如果当前查询块在m_first_distinct查询块前面,那么值减1 否则值置0


如果值小于等于0,那么不输出当前行 如果EXCEPT有distinct,那么输出当前行1次 否则输出当前行cnt (值) 次



和EXCEPT类似,其结果都会输出到一个临时表中,并且临时表增加了一个Field_longlong类型的隐藏列用于实现INTERSECT操作,该隐藏列在后续物化和读取临时表中会使用,下面分别介绍一下对于INTERSECT操作的物化和读取临时表时如何实现。和EXCEPT不同的是,对于INTERSECT ALL,会被拆成两个int32的变量来使用,所以INTERSECT DISTINCT和INTERSECT ALL的流程有不同,会分开介绍



第一个查询块 如果当前行是第一次出现,那么就在记录 当前INTERSECT操作查询块的数量-1 否则跳过 后续查询块 如果当前行在临时表中没有出现过,那么跳过 如果值等于INTERSECT操作剩余的查询块数量(例如q1 INTERSECT q2 INTERSECT q3,如果处理q2时,那么剩余查询块数量就是2;处理q3时剩余查询块数量时1,依次类推),那么值减1


如果值等于0,那么输出该行1次 否则不输出

可以看到INTERSECT DISTINCT是利用位置信息在中记录了一行数据在各个查询块出现的情况的,如果每一个查询块都出现过一次,那么就会输出该行数据。


对于INTERSECT ALL,会被拆成两个int32的变量来使用,下面用c0和c1分别代替的上半部分和下半部分进行介绍。


第一个查询块 如果当前行是第一次出现,那么就在c0记录1 否则每多出现一次,那么c0加1 后续查询块(因为INTERSECT ALL目前只支持二元操作,所以只有一个查询块) 如果当前行在临时表中没有出现过,那么跳过 如果c1小于等于c0-1,那么c1加1



可以看到INTERSECT ALL是利用了分别记录了INTERSECT操作左右两个查询块一行数据出现的次数的,所以最后每行数据输出的次数是其中的较小值,这也意味着一行数据的重复数不能超过int32能表达的最大值4294967295。从实现原理也可以看出为什么INTERSECT ALL只支持二元操作了,因为没办法像INTERSECT DISTINCT那样利用减法来记录每一行数据在各个查询块中的出现情况的,如果要支持多元操作就需要更多变量来分别记录一行数据在各个查询块中出现的次数。这可以通过把拆成更小的部分来实现,但是这样对重复数就会限制的更小,实际应用场景会受限,也可以通过增加更多隐藏字段来实现,但是这样就与其他的操作不统一了,并且存储和计算代价也会比较大。所以目前采用的是只支持二元操作,如果有多个查询块的话就通过嵌套来实现,比如q1 INTERSECT ALL q2 INTERSECT ALL q3,其形态如下:




int TableScanIterator::Read() {
  int tmp;
  if (table()->is_union_or_table()) {
   ...//基表或union op_set
  } else {
    while (true) {
      if (m_remaining_dups == 0) {  // always initially
        while ((tmp = table()->file->ha_rnd_next(m_record))) {
        // Filter out rows not qualifying for INTERSECT, EXCEPT by reading
        // the counter.
        const ulonglong cnt =
        if (table()->is_except()) {
          if (table()->is_distinct()) {
            // EXCEPT DISTINCT: any counter value larger than one yields
            // exactly one row
            if (cnt >= 1) break;
          } else {
            // EXCEPT ALL: we use m_remaining_dups to yield as many rows
            // as found in the counter.
            m_remaining_dups = cnt;
        } else {
          // INTERSECT
          if (table()->is_distinct()) {
            if (cnt == 0) break;
          } else {
            HalfCounter c(cnt);
            // Use min(left side counter, right side counter)
            m_remaining_dups = std::min(c[0], c[1]);
      } else {
        --m_remaining_dups;  // return the same row once more.
      // Skipping this row
